OK - I see you are using enclosure naming - and BTW - the /dev/vx/dmp
/dev/vx/dmp are just the same as disks BUT with the added provision of
DMP to keep the device online.
How many paths to these devices
# vxdmpadm getsubpaths
# vxdisk path
If a CLARiiON , and if only 2 paths - then set the array iopolicy to
singleactive - this is most likely - see later for DMP
# vxdmpadm listenclosure all
# vxdmpadm setattr enclosure ENC_name iopolicy=singleactive
If a CLARiiON , and if more than 2 paths - then set the array iopolicy
to balanced - and DMP does know how to stop IO to the secondary paths.
Note - this is against EMC recommendations but it works.
# vxdmpadm listenclosure all
# vxdmpadm setattr enclosure ENC_name iopolicy=balanced
I also notice that the enclosure names are lower case - indicating a
V5.x release VxVM installed. - are the CLARiiON APMs running ?
# vxdmpadm listapm all
Check the CLARiiON are Active
If a fencing cluster - then these are local LUNs at the point of
/dev/vx/dmp names for the devices. And yes SCSI3 keys will be placed on
them in a fencing cluster
# gabconfig -a
Check if there is Port b membership - if so then yes you have a fencing
Check also the DMP block switch - it may be that with the iopolicy
incorrect, and on low IO you did not reach the limit for
# vxdmpadm gettune all
Now - when busy and IO chunks bigger than path switch level ( and with
iopolicy incorrect ) a path switch will cause a trespass (check SAN
logs) AND a block, drain, resume on the DMP path. There will be a
failover message logged in /etc/vx/dmpevents.log - check here also.
From: veritas-vx-***
[mailto:veritas-vx-***] On Behalf Of Collin
Sent: Wednesday, 31 March 2010 2:09 AM
To: William Havey
Cc: veritas-***
Subject: Re: [Veritas-vx] VxVm
Sorry for any confusion...
I've got several powerpath devices from a dead system that I'm mounting
temporarily on one node in my cluster. I run a devfsadm -Cv and vxdctl
enable. After that I can see the powerpath devices listed as...
emc_clarrion0_10 auto:none - - online invalid
I modified my /etc/vfstab file to mount the devices..
/dev/vx/dmp/emc_clariion0_10s6 /dev/vx/rdmp/emc_clariion0_10s6 /u10
ufs 3 yes -
The device mounts and I can access the file system with all my data.
When the activity starts to increase on these temporary mount points, I
see a count down on the console that port H has lost connectivity. After
the 16 seconds, the node panics and of course reboots. However, if I
mount the power path devices using a single path..
/dev/dsk/c1t5006016100600432d10s6 /dev/rdsk/c1t5006016100600432d10s6
/u10 ufs 3 yes -
I never get the port H losing connectivity.
I want to use the dmp name in case I lose a path to these disk.
Any reason why using the dmp name causes port H to lose connectivity vs.
using a single path?
On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 10:48 AM, William Havey <***>
The original message states "mount these disks as
/dev/vx/dmp/<emc_array>_Xs6 ". Perhaps this is normal behavior. Mounts
are of devices which receive I/O. A "/dev/vx/dmp/..." device entry isn't
I/O capable.
I think a clearer statement of what Collin intends to do is needed.
On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 3:01 AM, Dmitry Glushenok <***>
Panic string and previous messages usually helps to understand cause..
Release notes to RP2-RP3 also provides short descriptions of fixed
issues like "Fixed the cause of a system panic when mutex_panic() was
called from vol_rwsleep_wrlock()."
Post by CollinI've got the following....
Solaris 10
VxVM 5.0MP3RP1HF12
I have a number of mount points that are being migrated from
/dev/dsk/cXtXdXsX to clustered mount points. The problem I'm having is
if I mount these disk in the /dev/dsk/cXtXdXsX format I run the risk
that if something were to cause the direct path to go down I would lose
the databases on these mount points. But when I mount these disks as
/dev/vx/dmp/<emc_array>_Xs6 my system panics and core dumps.
Post by CollinDoes VxVM have any issues mounting /dev/vx/dmp/<emc_array>_Xs6??
Dmitry Glushenok
Jet Infosystems
Veritas-vx maillist - Veritas-***